Monday, October 18, 2010

Rebranding isn't always successful . . . Gap?

Branding has been the topic in question for me lately. As I have been looking at very popular companies with brand loyal customers, I was wondering to myself, what exactly are they doing for this? How are these companies keep their customers “loyal” to the brand? I think much of it has to do with just keeping up with the times, and more importantly, keep up with society’s values, while being able to express this contemporary aspect of “their” brand.

Recently, Gap tried a new rebranding project that actually ended up slapping them in the face. In ”"Filling in the Gap of a Rebranding Disaster" Natalie Zmuda from Advertising Age explored what happened starting October 8th, when Gap decided to change their logo in order to rebrand their company. The efforts were unsuccessful just before a week has passed. Individuals were posting their disproval of the new logo all over social networking sites. Gap then decided to change back to their original logo. However, Gap did have a pretty good idea at hand. As the article notes, Gap has had negative sales numbers since 2004 and is in desperate need to refurbish the outlook customers are having with Gap. Unfortunately for them, the logo change with that specific logo in mind, was not what customers are looking for.

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