Friday, October 29, 2010

Children advertising . . . not as easy as it used to be.

            Previously, I looking into masculinity and femininity, however, now it is time to look at a new creature of advertising: children. Many people have paired children’s advertising as being unethical, however, this is why the Food & Drug Administration and FCC came into play in 2008 to regulate food marketers, such as General Mills, Kellogg and Kraft. Now it is proposed that the amount of money pulled in from children’s advertising will shoot up anywhere from 5 to 10%.
            Something else to throw in to the complicated nature of children’s advertising recently, is that there are more TV networks coming into the market. For example, Disney is going to create a preschool network, and Disney Junior as “early as 2012” according to Andrew Hampp of Advertising Age, in an article called "Behind the Battle for Children's Marketing Dollars." With more TV networks, this article makes it clear that advertising towards children is becoming more difficult because the attention and expose cannot be seen on just one or a few TV networks, but numerous ones. Basically, it is now harder to advertise towards children because there areso many networks now and advertisers cannot reach their audience as easy as they used to be.

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