Friday, October 29, 2010

Poor advertising directed towards women . . . come on Sears!

While looking at other aspects of advertising, its purposes and goals, I think it is important to look at the difference in masculinity and femininity in advertising. Some advertiser have products that are tailored to either men or women. Therefore, advertising should be directed towards whoever the target audience for that product is. Some companies do a great job in communicating this, and being successful with great advertisements, others are not so successful.
            When looking at advertising that does a poor job of tailoring towards its target audience, more often than not, the advertising sparks some kind of negative stereotype. In one of the newest Sears commercials, they do provoke a negative stereotype. The commercial can be seen in this YouTube video.

In this video, a woman neighbor just purchased a new washer and dryer from Sears, and says “what can I wash now” in an excited manner, as if washing was her number one hobby. Then three neighbor women come to talk to the Sears technician about how the neighbor woman bought a new washer and dryer after “remodeling.” Then all three neighbor women look extremely jealous, as one says “I want her life,” and another says “I want a new washer.” I feel like this is very sexist against women. This commercial is implying that women should do the laundry, and also that women possibly like doing laundry. There is an obvious tension between the masculinity and femininity in this commercial as femininity is largely shown here with women being excited, eager, and expected to laundry. I think Sears did a poor job of creating this discriminative commercial by using a stereotype of women from the past.

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